
Introduction to Statistics: School of Criminal Justice - RU-N

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Introduction to Statistics 27:202:542
Lecture: Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 - 11:20 Room: CLJ 574
Instructor: Frank Edwards
Office hours: Friday, 10:00-12:00 Room: CLJ 579B

Lecture slides

Homework assignments

Course description

This is the course syllabus for Introduction to Statistics, Fall 2024. It is a graduate-level introduction to conducting quantitative social science research, and is the first part of a two-semester sequence.

For computing and data analysis workflow, we will cover the foundations of statistical computing with a heavy emphasis on data visualization using the R programming language and tidyverse suite of packages. You will also learn how to write professional reports on statistical findings using the RMarkdown format for fusing code and plain text writing together.

For statistics, we will review core mathematical concepts in algebra, linear algebra, and calculus, then proceed to build foundations in core probability theory. From there, we will learn foundational principles and techniques in statistical inference and conclude the class with a detailed unit on linear regression.

Course goals

  1. Become comfortable fundamentals of probability and statistics. By the end of the course, they should be able to interpret and use common statistical measures of central tendency and variability, and be able to describe and interpret random events using probability statements.

  2. Learn how to describe and estimate relationships for continuous outcomes using linear regression.

  3. Use command-line interfaces for interacting with a computer and its file structure.

  4. Design and write basic data analysis programs using the R programming language.

  5. Produce univariate and bivariate data visualizations using the ggplot2 library in R.



We will use Slack for course discussion and communication. Email is my preferred mode of one-on-one communication.



No prior statistics or programming experience is assumed. I assume that you are comfortable with algebra, geometry, and basic calculus.


All instruction will be conducted in the R statistical programming language. R is free and open-source, and can be downloaded here.

We will be using the RStudio integrated development environment. RStudio provides a powerful text editor and a range of very useful utilities.

In addition to writing code, it is a great tool for writing reports, papers, and slides using RMarkdown. This syllabus, most of my course materials, and most of my academic papers are based on Markdown.

You are required to submit assignments using RMarkdown.

Lastly, I recommend learning some form of version control to ensure your work is a) backed up, b) easily accessible to collaborators and c) reproducible. Git and GitHub are great and flexible tools for software development that have powerful applications for researchers. Here’s a useful intro to GitHub for R users.

Assignments and grading

Course grading is based entirely on homework assignments. I grade assignments with a simple 2 point scale, and am generally a forgiving grader. If your work indicates a serious effort to complete the assignment, you can expect to receive full 2 points of credit. If you submit incomplete or sloppy work, you can expect 1 point of credit. Incomplete work will receive a zero.

All students who work hard and complete the assignments can expect to receive an A as their final grade.


I will assign homework each week. Assignments are due the day before class. The deadline for homework submission is each Monday before class at 11:59PM.

Problem sets provide you an opportunity to directly apply what we’ve learned to real-world data analysis and statistical problems. Don’t wait until the last minute to get started. These homeworks should take you on average between 2 and 6 hours of work to complete. Space that work out and give yourself time to ask for help from your peers and your instructor.

Group work is strongly encouraged for homework. I recommend scheduling a time to meet with your classmates to work on the problem sets. Each week, I will open a channel on the course Slack page for you to ask coding and technical questions. Quantitative research is a team sport, but I still do expect you to write your own code and interpretation. Don’t just copy/paste from your peers, the internet, or a chatbot.

Homework should be submited to me via email with all attached code and code output. Generally, this means I want to see two files: your script and your rendered output.

Life happens. All students are granted two free extensions on homework, no questions asked. Just email prior to the due date and let me know you’ll be taking an extension and when I should expect your submission.

Course schedule, topics, and readings

Week 1

Reading: Alexander Ch1; OI 1

Week 2

Reading: OI 2; Healy 1 and 2

Week 3

Reading: OI 3

Week 4

Reading: OI 4; Alexander 2, 3 (recommended)

Week 5

Reading: Healy 3

Week 6

Reading: Alexander 4

Week 7

Reading: Healy 4, Alexander 7, 11 (6, 8 recommended)

Week 8

Reading: OI 5, Alexander 9-10

10/24: Lab - working with more than one object - Harmonizing tables - Joins

Week 9

Reading: OI 8.1,

Week 10

Reading: OI 8.2-8.4, Alexander 12

Week 11

Week 12

Reading: OI 6, 7

Week 13

Reading: Alexander 12

Week 14

Reading: OI 9.1, Healy 6

Week 15

Reading: OI 9.2-9.4, Healy 6